Test Case VS Test Suite

Test Case VS Test Suite

In summary, test cases are used to describe the specific steps to be taken to validate a certain functionality or requirement. While test suites are used to group and organize multiple test cases to provide better test coverage and management. In this article, we will go through each one.

What is The Test Case?

A test case is a detailed list of steps that a tester should follow to validate the functionality of a particular feature or aspect of an application. In other words, it is a set of steps, conditions, and data inputs that a tester follows in order to verify that the application works as expected.

A good test case is clear, concise, and specific. It should define what needs to be tested, what inputs and outputs are expected, what the test environment is, and how to perform each step. The expected output should be clearly defined and verifiable, and any preconditions or assumptions should be listed.

Test cases are commonly written in a test management tool or document and are executed by testers. The results of each test case are recorded and analyzed to identify potential defects in the application. Test cases aim to ensure the application works correctly and meets the desired functionality and performance requirements.

How to Write Test Cases

Writing test cases can seem like a daunting task, but you can use the following steps to help you create effective test cases:

  1. Understand the Requirements: Gather all the necessary requirements and specifications for the system you are testing. This will ensure that your test cases are testing the correct functionalities of the system.

  2. Identify Test Scenarios: Identify the different ways that each requirement can be tested. This involves analyzing the requirements and thinking about different situations that may arise in real-world scenarios.

  3. Create Test Cases: For each scenario, create one or more test cases. Write test cases such that they cover both positive and negative scenarios to ensure maximum test coverage. Each test case should have a unique ID, description, and expected results.

  4. Add Test Data: Determine the inputs required for each test case and consider the expected outputs.

  5. Conduct a Review: Review the test cases and ensure that they meet the prescribed standards.

  6. Execute Test Cases: Execute each test case, recording the actual results.

  7. Analyze Results: Analyze the results of each test case to determine if it passed or failed. If a test case fails, document the details of the failure and work with developers to resolve the issue.

Remember that well-written test cases are essential in ensuring the quality of the software, and they will assist developers in resolving defects.

Test Case Format

The standard test case format typically includes the following components:

  1. Test Case ID: A unique identifier for the test case.

  2. Test Case Name: A descriptive name or title that explains the purpose of the test case.

  3. Description: A brief description that explains the test objective, what is being tested, and any assumptions or requirements.

  4. Pre-conditions: A list of actions that must be completed before executing the test case, such as setting up test data or configuring the system.

  5. Test Steps: A step-by-step list of actions that will be taken to execute the test case. Each step should be clear and concise, explaining what input to provide and what output to expect.

  6. Expected Results: A clear statement of the expected outcomes of the test case, indicating what the system should do or display.

  7. Actual Results: A record of the actual outcomes when the test case is executed.

  8. Pass/Fail Criteria: A statement of the criteria that will be used to determine if the test case has passed or failed.

  9. Test Environment: The hardware or software environment in which the test case will be executed.

  10. Test Data: Any inputs, outputs, or settings that the test case requires.

Following this format helps ensure consistent and comprehensive testing, allowing for easier identification and resolution of defects or issues.

Test Case Example:

Scenario: User login functionality

Test Case 1: Successful login with valid credentials (Positive Test Case)

  • Preconditions:

    • User account and valid login credentials exist
  • Steps:

    1. Navigate to the login page

    2. Enter valid login credentials (username and password)

    3. Click on the "Login" button

  • Expected Result:

    • The user is redirected to the homepage and a welcome message is displayed
  • Postconditions:

    • The user is logged in and authorized to access the application features

Test Case 2: Failed login with invalid username (Negative Test Case)

  • Preconditions:

    • A user account exists but an invalid username is used
  • Steps:

    1. Navigate to the login page

    2. Enter an invalid username and valid password

    3. Click on the "Login" button

  • Expected Result:

    • A validation error message should be displayed indicating an invalid username
  • Postconditions:

    • The user is not logged in and is unauthorized to access the application features

Test Case 3: Failed login with an invalid password (Negative Test Case)

  • Preconditions:

    • A user account exists but an invalid password is used
  • Steps:

    1. Navigate to the login page

    2. Enter a valid username and an invalid password

    3. Click on the "Login" button

  • Expected Result:

    • A validation error message should be displayed indicating an invalid password
  • Postconditions:

    • The user is not logged in and is unauthorized to access the application features

This scenario describes three different test cases dealing with the user login functionality. The cases are differentiated based on the expected result and the input values used in each scenario. By defining different test cases, we cover a wide range of possible scenarios related to this specific functionality, ensuring that the login feature of the application works as intended.

What is The Test Suite?

A test suite is a collection of multiple test cases that are organized together for a specific testing purpose. The test suite includes a set of tests that are designed to be executed together to ensure that the software being tested is functioning as expected.

Test suites are mainly created to cover all possible paths and functionalities of the software, ensuring that it is working as expected. Test suites are often created based on specific requirements, features, or functionalities to be tested. They may test a single module, a set of related modules, or the entire application.

Test suites allow software testers to execute test cases more efficiently, automate the testing process, and reduce the time and effort required to test the software. By grouping test cases into a suite, testers can easily find and execute the tests related to a specific requirement or feature. Test suites also help analyze the software's quality by providing a comprehensive report showing the status of each test case and the overall test suite.

Test Suite Example

Test Suite: Manage Profile

Test Case 1: Successful login with valid credentials

  • Preconditions:

    • User account and valid login credentials exist
  • Steps:

    1. Navigate to the login page

    2. Enter valid login credentials (username and password)

    3. Click on the "Login" button

  • Expected Result:

    • The user is redirected to the homepage and a welcome message is displayed

Test Case 2: Edit Profile


  • The user is logged in to their account

  • The user has navigated to the profile editing page

Test Steps:

  1. Update the user's first name to a new value

  2. Update the user's last name to a new value

  3. Update the user's email address to a new value

  4. Update the user's phone number to a new value

  5. Update the user's password to a new value

  6. Click on the "Save" button to submit the changes

  7. Verify that the changes were saved successfully

  8. Verify that the new profile details are displayed on the user's profile page

Expected Result:

  • The user's profile should be updated successfully with the new information

  • The user should be able to see the updated information on their profile page

Test Case 3: Delete Account


  • The user is logged in to their account

  • The user has navigated to the account deletion page

Test Steps:

  1. Click on the "Delete Account" button

  2. Enter the user's password to confirm the deletion

  3. Click on the "Confirm Deletion" button to submit the request

  4. Verify that the account has been deleted successfully

  5. Attempt to login with the deleted user's credentials

  6. Verify that the login attempt fails with an error message indicating that the account has been deleted

Expected Result:

  • The user's account should be deleted successfully

  • The user should not be able to login with their deleted credentials

  • The system should display an error message indicating that the account has been deleted when the user attempts to login

This test suite covers the basic operations of managing the user account and ensures that they work as intended.

What is the Difference Between Test Suite and Test Case?

A test case is a single unit of testing that checks whether an application's particular feature or functionality is working as expected. It is a detailed list of steps that a tester should follow to validate the functionality of a particular feature. Test cases usually have a clear objective, input data to be used, expected results or outputs, and actual results or outputs.

On the other hand, a test suite is a collection of test cases that are logically grouped together. Test suites help to organize the testing effort since several related test cases can be executed together. Test suites allow multiple test cases to be run together, which makes it easier to manage the testing effort and report the results.

In summary, test cases are the individual units of testing, while test suites are the collections of test cases that are grouped together for ease of execution and reporting.